Come & study God's Word with the ladies of Journey Christian Church of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Welcome Everyone!

I'm so excited about our brand new online Bible Study!  For the next 6-7 weeks we'll be studying RUTH, by Kelly Minter.  

If you're wondering if this study is for you... let me say a resounding YES IT IS!!  Why would I make such a definitive statement, when I may not even know you?  Well, for starters doing a Bible study online is super convenient.  You can log onto this very site anytime that best fits your schedule.  And follow publically (by clicking the FOLLOW button on the right) or privately.  You can leave comments below each weekly lesson to let us all know how the study is impacting your walk with Christ - or you can just read what others are saying and grow & learn from them.

You are in the driver's seat with this study!  You don't have to worry about making it on time to a local study, struggling with childcare or even finding a place to park!  You can log on during the day or in the middle of the night.  You can be in your pj's or all dressed up for the day.  It makes no difference.

We have added a new feature to the Online Bible Study this time!  It is a feature that I am REALLY excited about and nervous all at the same time... it's VIDEO!!!

With each weekly session (or blog post) you will find a summary of the week's lessons along with questions and commentary from myself.  In addition to both of these - we will provide a video!  

The beginning of the video will be a small intro to the session as well as a few discussion questions that you can answer on your own - or that you can discuss with your own small group!

If you're wanting to feel like you're a part of our local group that meets weekly... the video will continue and you can watch and listen to the group discussion that meets locally in New Orleans each week.  Neat huh?  Kind of a menu of options... summary, thought provoking questions, small 5-10 minute video, and/or 1.5 hour Bible Study session in its entirety.  You can pick and choose what best fits your schedule, mood, and learning style.

I hope you enjoy this!  Either way - leave a comment for me or send me an email - letting me know you're going to be a part of this RUTH study - so I can be praying for you on this new journey through God's Word.

Okay - so what are the EXACT DETAILS?
We'll be starting locally tomorrow, September 1st.  Each Wednesday night the new video and session will be posted on this site.  So feel free to start with us this week - Thursday, September 2nd.  However... you're never behind - because it's all online!!!  So feel free to start whenever you get your book - whenever it best fits your schedule!

How do I get the book?
You can get it at most Christian book stores.  I got mine at LifeWay.  However, you can also click on the link on the right to order directly from Kelly Minter.  Enjoy!

In the mean time... enjoy some of Kelly's music she wrote just for this study!