Come & study God's Word with the ladies of Journey Christian Church of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Week 1: Introduction

I'm so excited this day has finally come!  
Wednesday - Day 1 - Week 1 of our online study of, "Lord, I Want to Know You."

I don't know the hows and whys of what brought you to this study in this venue, but I would love to!  Please feel free to share in the comments what made you want to do this particular study in this manner (online) and at this time.  I think our answers will be interesting to share!

Today, I just want us to get familiar with our book and all that we'll be learning in this study.  In the local Bible Study group, we're doing this entire book in just 6-7 weeks.  I know it seems fast, so we're calling it our Summer Intensive Bible Study.  But the beauty of going through a study online is you can take it at whatever pace is comfortable for you.

Each week we will be discussing 3 names of God - or going through 3 chapters at a time.  Again, don't let this deter you from checking in and following along.  Just continue to read and comment at the pace that best fits your mood, schedule, and availability (or if you have children - the pace at which they keep interruption to a minimum!) .

Now I want you to get familiar with your book...

The first thing I want you to do is write your name and the date in the inside cover of your book.  Also write somewhere that you did this study with a group of ladies online.  I promise you'll reference this book again in the future and it will make you smile to remember the date and the circumstances of which you studied the Names of God.

Second, turn to page 196.  The page number is not actually listed on the page - but it is a page at the end of the book (right across from "Study Resources") that lists all the names of God that we will study, along with what the names mean.  Take a moment to read them all and then circle the one that most intrigues you.   Perhaps because it fills a need that you have or perhaps because it's a way that God has really been there for you.

Now I want you to look at page 193.  If you're like me, you might need help pronouncing a few of the names we're about to learn.  I wanted you to know that this page exists & where to find it so you can reference it as we go through the book.
Okay, the final thing before we dive into this study, turn back to the Introduction (I know I'm weird, I started you at the back of the book only to finally bring you to the front) and look at the first page 3rd paragraph.  I want you to underline this verse.  Perhaps even find it in your own Bible.
Let's look at it together here:  
Daniel 11:32, "the people who know their God will display strength and take action".

Are you ready to have more strength in your every day?  Are you ready to take action with specific areas in your life?  Then I have the answer... get to know your God!  

I love Kay's very first sentence of the Introduction, "So much of our confusion, our pain, our indecision, and our wrong decisions come because we do not know God."

If you are ready for these negatives to go away - then get ready... they more you know your God, the more confident you can be sure that you're on the right road for your life.

Okay - let's dive in!  Let's get started already!

From now until next Wednesday work on the first 3 chapters of the book.  Next Wednesday you'll find discussion topics and questions.  If I get industrious you may find blog posts before then - sometimes I just can't help myself when it comes to studying God's Word.

So...  read and study the first 3 chapters of the book.

The first names of God that we will study are:
1.  Elohim - The Creator (chapter 2)
2.  El Elyon - The God Most High (chapter 3)

Finally, I want to encourage you in this study!

There are several levels at which you can go through this book.  I promise you that you will get out of this what you put into it.  Kay Arthur does NOT spoon feed you!  Having said that, I still want you to come here & study God's Word with me at whatever level you are prepared to learn.  I would love to encourage you to mark the things that Kay tells you to mark.  She's going to have you read some verses many times - do this!  You'll understand why as we go along.  She's going to have you ask the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions about scriptures - so you can dig out His truths for yourself.  She wants you to develop your Bible Study skills and not solely rely on what others say about His Word.  You're going to really enjoy this about her teachings!  She is going to help you develop really strong spiritual muscles! 

So whether you're just here to read the blog periodically or answer every discussion question in the book daily and on schedule - you're welcome here!  I want this to be a place where you feel safe, loved on, and cared about!  I may or may not know you and all that's going on in your life - but God does!  And through studying His Word together we can support and love one another!

Comments for today's session:

I look forward to learning more about why you've chosen this study, at this time, and in this venue (online).

Also share with us your thoughts about learning the many names of God.

Then finally, share with us which name of God you circled on the chart at the back of the book and why.

I'll see ya next week!
Your sis in the faith,